LIT: alt performance @100 Grand, Soho Feb 22,23 8p, Feb 24 530p ... APART

"a powerful and thought-provoking concert ... They wrestle, hassle, bully and show off to one another in a series of fragmented activities that often mutate into something else" -- Linda Shapiro/ Pioneer Press
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life."
- Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
"a powerful and thought-provoking concert ... They wrestle, hassle, bully and show off to one another in a series of fragmented activities that often mutate into something else" -- Linda Shapiro/ Pioneer Press
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Anthony Phillps, Joe Poulson, Heather McArdle, Elmira Goro & Darrin Wright
music Mio Morales
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth, Joe Poulson, and Heather McArdle music by Phillip Hamilton
by Bill Young
"a powerful and thought-provoking concert ... They wrestle, hassle, bully and show off to one another in a series of fragmented activities that often mutate into something else" -- Linda Shapiro/ Pioneer Press
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Anthony Phillps, Joe Poulson, Heather McArdle, Elmira Goro & Darrin Wright
music Mio Morales
“terrifically erotic...a near-kiss can be an almost-bite.” D Jowitt
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth
“terrifically erotic...a near-kiss can be an almost-bite.” D Jowitt
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth
"Umm. Delicious! Vibrant - Force fields yield images glimmering like our own recollections. It is dancing - rich and full and beautifully designed - but it has the shape of a world" - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice
First commissioned by the Estonian National Opera.
"Enthralling"-Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice
At once witty, dark, furious -- Dust moves through imagery from magical sideshow and brooding solos to violent duets and intricate groups, in a world transformed by objects and materials - floating in the air, around onstage and layered on the floor - a jigsaw puzzle of body parts and sublime juxtaposition.
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth, Joe Poulson, and Heather McArdle music by Phillip Hamilton
by Bill Young
"a through-the-looking-glass site for quick-cut vignettes: love scenes, random anecdotes, knockabout comedy. The extroverted cast danced all over the space, all over each other, and up the walls."-- New York Times
with Pedro Osorio, Joe Poulson, Darrin Wright, Ted Johnson, Jennifer Nugent, Erick Montes, Nancy Bannon, Julia Burrer & Brian Kepple
"Cracker jack ensemble performing extreme dance theater of the absurd... Utterly whacky inventions." - Eva Yaa Asantewaa, Village Voice
" Irresistible - like gazing at someone else's family album and understanding it could be your own "- Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice
A meditative and haunting journey through dreamscapes and fantasy - private and mythic. Featuring a visual design of projected video, this work was born during a extended visit made to Venezuela, to taste life where the jungle meets the Caribbean Ocean.
"Veiling is a wonderful dance - moody, mysterious, hauntingly expressive. ...Even in its abstraction, the work is intensely human. It's summed up in a terrific men's duet that is full of pushes and pulls, tensions and releases, roughhouse and tenderness." - Mike Steele, Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Terrifically interesting ...the reckless physicality, the sensual mingling of bodies, the unusual gestures that characterize Young's style, and the performers' alert and tranquil air..." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth, Joe Poulson, and Heather McArdle music by Phillip Hamilton
by Bill Young
"Cracker jack ensemble performing extreme dance theater of the absurd... Utterly whacky inventions." - Eva Yaa Asantewaa, Village Voic
...strips down to the essential body in motion while building up the color and in-your-face quality of each performer's individual personality and stage presence as a performer. The work looks at their private and public personas, what they become in relationships, and where their particularities intersect or diverge. The aspects of exaggerated individuality and collaborative reality. .
"The marvelous performers together create something ineffably magical... it slips about the way dreams do. Imagination and wit run hand in hand with beauty - lose and gain, fall down and get up, run some more."
-- Deborah Jowitt (read more)
"a powerful and thought-provoking concert ... They wrestle, hassle, bully and show off to one another in a series of fragmented activities that often mutate into something else" -- Linda Shapiro/ Pioneer Press
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Anthony Phillps, Joe Poulson, Heather McArdle, Elmira Goro & Darrin Wright
music Mio Morales
"a powerful and thought-provoking concert ... They wrestle, hassle, bully and show off to one another in a series of fragmented activities that often mutate into something else" -- Linda Shapiro/ Pioneer Press
by Bill Young
with Pedro Osorio, Anthony Phillps, Joe Poulson, Heather McArdle, Elmira Goro & Darrin Wright
music Mio Morales
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth, Joe Poulson, and Heather McArdle music by Phillip Hamilton
by Bill Young
"Veiling is a wonderful dance - moody, mysterious, hauntingly expressive. ...Even in its abstraction, the work is intensely human. It's summed up in a terrific men's duet that is full of pushes and pulls, tensions and releases, roughhouse and tenderness." - Mike Steele, Minneapolis Star Tribune
"Terrifically interesting ...the reckless physicality, the sensual mingling of bodies, the unusual gestures that characterize Young's style, and the performers' alert and tranquil air..." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice
"Cracker jack ensemble performing extreme dance theater of the absurd... Utterly whacky inventions." - Eva Yaa Asantewaa, Village Voic
...strips down to the essential body in motion while building up the color and in-your-face quality of each performer's individual personality and stage presence as a performer. The work looks at their private and public personas, what they become in relationships, and where their particularities intersect or diverge. The aspects of exaggerated individuality and collaborative reality. .
"Daring, eccentric... the sensuality, the tenderness, the sense of adventure seem intrinsic to the moment and anchored to life." - Deborah Jowitt, Village Voice (Read More)
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
with Pedro Osorio, Ildiko Toth, Joe Poulson, and Heather McArdle music by Phillip Hamilton
by Bill Young
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
andJohn McGrew, live music
with Michael Ingle, Pedro Osorio, Denisa Musilova, Anthony Phillips, Darrin Wright, John McGrew, Colleen Thomas
A Place in France
by Bill Young & Colleen Thomas
andJohn McGrew, live music
with Michael Ingle, Pedro Osorio, Denisa Musilova, Anthony Phillips, Darrin Wright, John McGrew, Colleen Thomas
LIT: alt performance @100 Grand, Soho Feb 22,23 8p, Feb 24 530p ... APART